using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage;
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private void Change_layers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); // Changes color for Layer '0' vDrawing.Converter.LayerByName("0").Color = Color.Red; // If Layer2 doesn't exist, it will be created CADLayer vLayer = vDrawing.Converter.LayerByName("Layer2"); vLayer.Visible = false; //Changes layer visibility // Adjusting visualization sizes to the control area: RectangleF vRect; double vRatio = (double)(vDrawing.AbsHeight * Image1.ClientSize.Width) / (vDrawing.AbsWidth * Image1.ClientSize.Height); if (vRatio > 1) vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Width / vRatio), (float)Image1.ClientSize.Height); else vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)Image1.ClientSize.Width, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Height * vRatio)); //----------------------------------------------- vDrawing.Draw(Image1.CreateGraphics(), vRect); }
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