The following tables list the members exposed by the TextStyle type.

Name Description
Public field backwards A boolean value indicating whether the text is backward (mirrored in X direction).
Public field bigFontIndex An index of the big SHX font in the SHXFontList.
Public field bigFontPath A path to the file containing big fonts.
Public field fontExists A boolean value indicating whether the SHX file exists.
Public field fontIndex An index of the SHX font in the SHXFontList.
Public field fontPath A path to the SHX file.
Public field name A name of the text style.
Public field obliqueAngle A tilt angle for the letters defined by the style.
Public field upSideDown A boolean value indicating whether the text is upside down (mirrored in Y direction).
Public field vertical A boolean value indicating whether the text is vertical.
Public field width A WidthFactor for the text.