The following tables list the members exposed by the PrintPreviewControlEx type.

Name Description
Public method BeginInvoke (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method BringToFront (inherited from Control).
Public method Contains (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateControl (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateGraphics (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method Dispose (inherited from Component).
Public method DoDragDrop (inherited from Control).
Public method DrawToBitmap (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method EndInvoke (inherited from Control).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method FindForm (inherited from Control).
Public method Focus (inherited from Control).
Public method Static FromChildHandle (inherited from Control).
Public method Static FromHandle (inherited from Control).
Public method GetChildAtPoint (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method GetContainerControl (inherited from Control).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method GetNextControl (inherited from Control).
Public method GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Hide (inherited from Control).
Public method InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method Invalidate (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method InvalidatePreview

Refreshes the preview of the document.

Public method Invoke (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method Static IsKeyLocked (inherited from Control).
Public method Static IsMnemonic (inherited from Control).
Public method LogicalToDeviceUnits (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method PerformLayout (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method PointToClient (inherited from Control).
Public method PointToScreen (inherited from Control).
Public method PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control).
Public method PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control).
Public method RectangleToClient (inherited from Control).
Public method RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method Refresh (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetBackColor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetBindings (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetCursor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetFont (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetForeColor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetImeMode (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetText (inherited from Control).
Public method ResumeLayout (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method Scale (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method ScaleBitmapLogicalToDevice (inherited from Control).
Public method Select (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method SelectNextControl (inherited from Control).
Public method SendToBack (inherited from Control).
Public method SetBounds (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method Show (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method SuspendLayout (inherited from Control).
Public method ToString (inherited from Component).
Public method Update (inherited from Control).