The following tables list the members exposed by the CADImport.GBR type.

Name Description
Public class Aperture Defines brush appearance. For more information please see Gerber RS-274X Format User’s Guide.
Public class GBRImage Represents a Gerber files drawing and provides methods for drawing all loaded GBR objects.
Name Description
Public delegate EndGBRProgramEventHandler A delegate on the basis of which stop/finish loading of GBR file event is set
Name Description
Public enumeration ApertureType Enum of aperture types
Public enumeration DCommand GBR file D code (plot functions). Selects and controls tools, specify line type, etc. For more information please see Gerber RS-274X Format User’s Guide.
Public enumeration GBRDrawStatus Current status of GBR file loading
Public enumeration GCommand GBR file G code (general functions). Specifies how to interpolate and move to the coordinate locations following the code until changed or until a new layer is generated (modal). For more information please see Gerber RS-274X Format User’s Guide.