Contains a set of tools for visual creating of entities

The following tables list the members exposed by the EntitiesCreator type.

Name Description
Public constructor EntitiesCreator Creates an instance of EntitiesCreator class
Name Description
Public property ColorEntity Gets or sets a color of the creating entity
Public property Enabled Gets a status of the EntitiesCreator object
Public property EndPoly Gets or sets end flag of the CADPolyLine creating
Public property HatchName Gets or sets a name of CADHatch object
Public property Image Gets or sets CADImage object where new entities are added
Public property OptionsForm Gets or sets instance of editor settings class
Public property Points Gets or sets points of the creating object in display coordinates
Public property RealPoints Gets or sets points of the creating object in real (drawing) coordinates
Public property ShowOptionsForm Gets or sets a flag of editor settings form visibility
Public property SolidHatch Gets or sets a type (solid or not solid) of the CADHatch object
Public property TextHeight Gets or sets height of CADText object
Public property TextRotation Gets or sets rotation angle of CADText object
Public property Type Gets or sets a type of the creating object
Name Description
Public method BeginEntity Starts entity drawing
Public method Disable Disables EntitiesCreator tool
Public method Dispose A default Dispose method.
Public method DrawNewEntityCreator Draws EntitiesCreator tool
Public method EnableCreator Enables EntitiesCreator tool
Public method EndDrawPolyline Finishes Polyline entity drawing
Public method EndEntity Finishes entity drawing
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method OnCreateNewCADImage Invokes CreateNewCADImageEvent event
Public method OnEndEntityDraw Invokes EndEntityDraw event
Public method OnGetRealPoint Invokes GetRealPointEvent event
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public event CreateNewCADImageEvent Invokes on new CADImage creating
Public event EndEntityDraw Invokes on finishing of the entity drawing
Public event GetRealPointEvent Invokes on getting of the real coordinates of the point