The following tables list the members exposed by the DXFData type.

Name Description
Public field bold Represents a style for a text.
Public field color Represents the color value for this entity.
Public field count Represents the number of child entities (for BLOCK, POLYLINE etc). For simple entities such as LINE it is always 0.
Public field endAngle Represents the end angle values in degrees for ARC and ELLIPSE.
Public field fScale Represents the relative X scale factor (ratio of character width to character height) for text entities.
Public field flags Represents the flags byte for different entities, such as LAYER, BLOCK, POLYLINE etc. Has individual meaning for each entity type. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference.
Public field globalWidth Represents a global width.
Public field hAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment for text entities.
Public field height Specifies the character height for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT or ATTDEF).
Public field italic Represents a style for a text.
Public field name Represents a name of an object.
Public field point Specifies the reference point for this entity. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference, group codes 10,20,30.
Public field point1 Specifies the second reference point for such entities as LINE, TEXT or ELLIPSE. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference, group codes 11,21,31.
Public field point2 Specifies the third points for SOLID and 3DFACE.
Public field point3 Specifies the fourth points for SOLID and 3DFACE.
Public field points Points to array of DXFPOINT for POLYLINE, LWPOLYLINE and HATCH. The number of points is specified by count.
Public field rHeight Specifies the reference retangle height for MTEXT.
Public field rWidth Specifies the reference retangle width for MTEXT.
Public field radius Specifies the radius value for CIRCLE and ARC or ratio of minor axis to major axis for ELLIPSE.
Public field rotation Specifies the rotation angle in degrees for TEXT or INSERT.
Public field scale Specifies the X-, Y- and Z-scale values for INSERT.
Public field selfType Defines a type of this entity.
Public field startAngle Specifies the start angle values in degrees for ARC and ELLIPSE.
Public field style Specifies the pen style for drawing of this entity.
Public field styleObject Represents an object style.
Public field tag Specifies the type of a DXF entity.
Public field text Specifies a text value for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT or ATTDEF).
Public field thickness Specifies the line width for this entity.
Public field vAlign Specifies the vertical alignment for text entities.