This is a basic class of export. All methods for formation of a dxf file are determined here.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DXFExport type.

Name Description
Public constructor DXFExport Initializes a new instance of the DXFExport class with defaults parameters.
Name Description
Public property Block Gets or sets the current block.
Public property CurrentLayer Gets or sets the current DXF layer.
Public property PenWidthRatio Gets or sets the current pen width ratio.
Public property UnitSize Gets or sets unit size for export.
Name Description
Public method Add3DPoint Adds a 3D point.
Public method AddArc Adds an arc.
Public method AddCircle Adds a circle.
Public method AddColor Adds a color.
Public method AddDimension Adds a dimension
Public method AddDimensionStyle Adds a dimension style.
Public method AddEllipse Adds an ellipse.
Public method AddEntity Adds an entity.
Public method AddFloat Adds a float value.
Public method AddHandle Adds a handle.
Public method AddHatch Adds a hatch.
Public method AddInt Adds an integer value.
Public method AddLType Adds a linetype.
Public method AddLTypeScale Adds a linetype scale.
Public method AddLine Adds a line.
Public method AddMText Adds a Mtext.
Public method AddName Adds a name of an object
Public method AddPixel Adds a pixel.
Public method AddPoint Adds a point.
Public method AddPolyBezier Adds the polyBezier line
Public method AddPolyLine Adds a polyline.
Public method AddRectangle Adds a rectangle.
Public method AddSolid Adds a solid.
Public method AddString Adds a string.
Public method AddText Adds a text.
Public method AddThickness Adds thickness
Public method AddVertex Adds a vertex.
Public method BeginBlock Begins a DXF block
Public method BeginPoly Begins a polyline
Public method Clear Clears the DXFExport object
Public method Static ColorToDXF Converts System.Drawing.Color object to the dxf color
Public method EndBlock Ends a DXF block
Public method EndDraw Ends a draw
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetBlockByName Gets DXF block by its name
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetStrAutoCADVer Gets the AutoCAD version
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Insert Inserts an object
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method Save Saves the DXF image
Public method SaveToFile Saves DXF to file
Public method SaveToStream Saves DXF to stream.
Public method SetLayerByString Sets layer by its name.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public field Static DXFLineWeights The array of the line weight constants.
Public field Static accuracy The maximal accuracy. Default = 0.000001.
Public field Static alternativeBlack Specifies if the alternative black color will be used.
Public field Static autoCADVer Represents the current AutoCAD version.
Public field current For internal use.
Public field fOffset Represents an offset for hatch object.
Public field Static isParseWhite Specifies if white rectangle object will be used as erasing region.
Public field Static offsetX Represents offsets on axis x and on axis y.
Public field Static offsetY Represents offsets on axis x and on axis y.
Public field Static use01MM Use of factor of scaling.