The following tables list the members exposed by the DimStyleStruct type.
Name | Description | |
APost | Alternate dimensioning suffix | |
Alt | Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero. | |
AltF | Alternate unit scale factor | |
Asz | Dimensioning arrow size | |
Blk | Arrow block name | |
Blk1 | First arrow block name | |
Blk2 | Second arrow block name | |
Cen | Size of center mark/lines | |
ClrD | Dimension line color | |
ClrE | Dimension extension line color | |
ClrT | Dimension text color | |
Dec | Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of a primary units dimension | |
Exe | Extension line extension | |
Exo | Extension line offset | |
Gap | Dimension line gap | |
LFac | Linear measurements scale factor | |
LrBlk | Arrow block name for leaders | |
LwD | Dimension line lineweight | |
LwE | Extension line lineweight | |
Post | General dimensioning suffix | |
SD1 | Suppression of first extension line | |
SD2 | Suppression of second extension line | |
SE1 | First extension line suppressed if nonzero | |
SE2 | Second extension line suppressed if nonzero | |
Scale | Overall dimensioning scale factor | |
Tad | Text above dimension line if nonzero | |
Tih | Text inside horizontal if nonzero | |
Tix | Force text inside extensions if nonzero | |
Toh | Text outside horizontal if nonzero | |
Txt | Dimensioning text height |