The following tables list the members exposed by the CADConst type.

Name Description
Public method Static AddBigfontCodePage Add bigfont to BigFontDictionary
Public method Static AddToBigFontDictionary Add bigfont to BigFontDictionary.
Public method Static BGRToRGB Converts a numeric value to RGB color.
Public method Static CADUnProject (Overloaded) Gets a three-dimensional point of the current CAD image from the specified screen point.
Public method Static CADUnProjectByCurrentLayout (Overloaded) Gets a three-dimensional point of the current CAD image from the specified screen point.
Public method Static CorrectByOrtho Reduces a point coordinates increment to X or Y axis when ortho mode is active
Public method Static DisposeObject Invokes Dispose method for freeing unmanaged resources.
Public method Static DisposeObject<T>
Public method Static DoPreExtrusion Searches coordinates of a point (P) in the new coordinate system. This coordinate system is built respectively to Arbitary Axis Algoritm. OZ axis of the new coordinate system is N.
Public method Static DoScale2D Adjusts a scale along the axis X and a scale along the axis Y in accordance with the state of the coordinate transformation matrix.
Public method Static EntColor Gets a color of the specified CAD entity.
Public method Static EntLayer Gets a layer of the specified CAD entity.
Public method Static EntLineWeight Returns line width of the current entity by the specified entity and insert.
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method Static FindAngle Returns an angle between two points. The angle calculated based on coordinates increments by X and Y axes.
Public method Static FindAutoCADSHXPaths (Overloaded) Searhes the paths to the files containing the AutoCAD SHX fonts.
Public method Static FindTrueViewSHXPaths Searhes the paths to the files containing the DWG TrueView SHX fonts.
Public method Static GetFileFotmat
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetRealPoint (Overloaded) Gets a three-dimensional point of the current CAD image from the specified screen point.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Static IntToArgb Converts a numeric value to an ARGB color.
Public method Static IsWebPath Check whether specified path is a hyperlink
Public method Static LoadDataFromWeb Loads file from webpage specified by hyperlink
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method Static SGArcCos Gets an angle of the unit vector with the specified X coordinate.
Public method Static SendExceptionReport Creates a report containing an exception report
Public method Static SendMail Creates an e-mail and opens it in the default mail client
Public method Static SetMaxNumDottedLines Setting staking out linetypes
Public method Static SetNewRect Creates rectangle by two points
Public method Static SetNumberOfPartsInCurve (Overloaded) Sets optimal number of parts for curve partition by the displaying area dimensions (for saving as a raster file).
Public method Static ToInt Converts the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer (efficiently for drawing).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).