Represents settings for exporting the current CAD file into CGM format.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CGMExportSettings type.

Name Description
Public constructor CGMExportSettings Initializes a new instance of the CGMExportSettings class.
Name Description
Public property BackgroundColor Gets or sets a background color of this CADImage. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property BorderSize Gets or sets a border size in pixels. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property BorderType Gets or sets a border type. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property ClearStreamByDisposeOnly Created stream will be closed when disposing export class (inherited from ExportSettings).
Public property CurvePrecision Gets or sets a value specifying precision of curves in drawing units.
Public property DefaultAngle Gets or sets a default color for the CADImage. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property DefaultColor Gets or sets a default color for the CADImage. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property DimensionsVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether dimensions on the drawing are visible. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property DrawMode Gets or sets a current drawing mode. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property ImageRectangle Represents a rectangle that encloses CADImage object. (inherited from ExportSettings).
Public property IsDraw3DAxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether 3D axes are shown on the drawing. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property IsShowBackground Gets or sets a value indicating using of a BackgroundColor. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property IsShowLineWeight Gets or sets a value indicating whether a thickness of lines in the CADImage is determined by the file data. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property LayoutsExportMode Gets or sets a value specifying which layouts will be exported. (inherited from ExportSettings).
Public property LineScaled Obsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a width of lines to draw all entities in the drawing is specified by the file data. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property LineWeightScale Gets or sets a scale for drawing lines. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property NullWidth Gets or sets default thickness for lines used to draw a CADImage. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property TTFSmoothing Gets or sets a value indicating whether TTF fonts are smoothed. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property TTFSmoothingStyle Gets or sets smoothing style for TTF fonts. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property TextVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the texts in the CADImage are visible. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public property XScale Gets or sets a scale value for export. (inherited from ExportSettings).
Public property XSize For internal use. (inherited from ExportSettings).
Name Description
Public method Assign Copies the settings from a specified CADPresenterSettings object.
Public method Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current CADPresenterSettings class instance. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public method Dispose (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetExportRect Returns a rectangular area for export.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method RestoreParams Restores the settings of the CADPresenterSettings. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public method SaveParams Saves the settings of the CADPresenterSettings. (inherited from CADPresenterSettings).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).