Defines a two-dimensional polyline.

The following tables list the members exposed by the FlatPoly type.

Name Description
Public constructor FlatPoly Initializes a new instance of the FlatEntity class. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Name Description
Public property Box Gets a three-dimensional box that encloses the CADEntity. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public property Color Gets or sets a color of the pen for this CADPenEntity. (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Public property Converter Gets or sets a CADConverter associated with this CADObjectEntity. (inherited from CADObjectEntity).
Public property Count Gets a number of entities contained in the given CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Counts Gets a list of the counters of points. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public property DashStyle Gets or sets DashStyle for CADPenEntity object (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Public property EntName Gets a name of the CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property EntType Gets a type of this FlatPoly entity.
Public property Entities Gets a collection of all entities owned by this CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property ExtendedData Provides access to entity extended data (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Handle Gets a CADEntity handle. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Layer Gets or sets a layer this CADPlotEntity belongs to. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property LineType Gets or sets a linetype of the CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property LineTypeScale Gets or sets a value equal to a quantity of linetype elements per unit of its length. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property LineWeight Gets or sets a thickness of lines for this FlatEntity. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public property Points Gets a list of points representing the vertices of the polyline. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public property Selected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CADEntity is selected. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CADPlotEntity is visible. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CADPlotEntity is visible taking into account a state of the layer this CADPlotEntity belongs to. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property Width Gets or sets a line width of CADPenEntity object (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Name Description
Public method Accepts Gets a value indicating if the specified polyline is accepted by this FlatPoly entity.
Public method Add Adds a polyline to this FlatPoly entity.
Public method AddEntity Virtual method. Redefined in descendant classes. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method AddPoints2D
Public method AssignEntity Copies an entity (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public method ChangeEntity Edits current entity by specified offset (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Clone Copies an entity (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the CADEntity. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public method DrawEntityTrace Implements drawing of entity with specified offset to specified Control (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetBoxPoints Checks if the CADEntity must be drawn during a drawing cycle. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method GetXY Gets a point defined by the specified parameter. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public method Loaded Virtual method. Redefined in descendant classes. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method OnDraw Raises a DrawEvent. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method PCount Returns the number of coordinates. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method SetLType Sets a linetype for this CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method SetXY Sets the specified point equal to the specified value. (inherited from FlatEntity).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public field DrawEvent Occurs when the CADEntity is drawn in the CAD image. (inherited from CADEntity).