The following tables list the members exposed by the CAD2DEllipse type.

Name Description
Public property CenterPoint Gets or sets the center point of the CAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property CounterClockWise Gets or sets arc direction. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property EndParam Gets or sets the end angle of the CAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property EndPoint Gets the end point of the CAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property IsAngleInParam Gets or sets a value indicating which type of angle specifies the start and end points of this CAD2DEllipse.
Public property MajorPoint Gets or sets the ellipse's end point of major axis relative to its center point.
Public property Radius Gets or sets the radius of the CAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property StartParam Gets or sets the start angle of the CAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).
Public property StartPoint Gets the start point of theCAD2DArc instance. (inherited from CAD2DArc).