The following tables list the members exposed by the CADImageEnt type.

Name Description
Public property EntName Gets a name of the CADImageEnt object.
Public property EntType Gets the type of this CADImageEnt entity.
Public property FlagsEx Gets or sets a flags for drawing a CADImageEnt.
Public property ImageDef Gets or sets a raster image in the CAD drawing.
Public property IsMonoChrome Gets or sets a value indicating whether the referenced raster image is monochrome.
Public property Picture Gets an image referenced by this CADImageEnt object.
Public property Point1 This proprty is obsolete. We recommend to use UVector instead of it.
Public property Point2 This proprty is obsolete. We recommend to use VVector instead of it.
Public property Point3 This proprty is obsolete. We recommend to use Size instead of it.
Public property Rotate Gets or sets a rotation angle of the referenced raster image when inserting it into the CAD drawing.
Public property Transparency Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CADImageEnt is transparent.
Public property TransparentColor Gets or sets transparent color.