Represents a style applicable to dimension lines in a CAD image.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CADDimensionStyle type.

Name Description
Public property ArrowSize Gets or sets a size of the arrowhead defined by this CADDimensionStyle.
Public property ArrowType1 Gets or sets a type of the first arrow exterior
Public property ArrowType2 Gets or sets a type of the second arrow exterior
Public property ArrowTypeL Gets or sets arrow block name.
Public property DIMCLRD Gets or sets dimension line color. Range is 0 = BYBLOCK; 256 = BYLAYER.
Public property DIMCLRE Gets or sets dimension extension line color. Range is 0 = BYBLOCK; 256 = BYLAYER.
Public property DIMCLRT Gets or sets dimension text color. Range is 0 = BYBLOCK; 256 = BYLAYER.
Public property DIMDEC Gets or sets a number of decimal places for the tolerance values
Public property DIMLFAC Gets or sets a linear measurements scale factor
Public property DIMLWD Gets or sets the dimension line lineweight.
Public property DIMLWE Gets or sets a force text inside extensions
Public property DIMSD1 Gets or sets a suppression of the first dimensional line
Public property DIMSD2 Gets or sets a suppression of the second dimensional line
Public property DIMSE1 Gets or sets a supression of the first extension line
Public property DIMSE2 Gets or sets a supression of the second extension line
Public property DIMTIH Gets or sets the text inside horizontal if nonzero.
Public property DIMTIX Gets or sets the force text inside extensions if nonzero.
Public property DIMTOH Gets or sets the text outside horizontal if nonzero.
Public property EntName Gets a name of this CADPenTableItem. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property ExtLineExt Gets or sets a distance to extend the extension lines above the dimension line.
Public property ExtLineOffset Gets or sets a distance to offset the extension lines from the points on the drawing that define the dimension.
Public property Flags Gets or sets a drawing flags. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property Name Gets or sets a name of the CADPenTableItem. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property Scale Gets or sets overall dimensioning scale factor.
Public property SizeCenterMark Gets or sets a size of the center mark defined by this CADDimensionStyle.
Public property TextHeight Gets or sets a height of the dimension text defined by this CADDimensionStyle.
Public property TextOffset Gets or sets a gap between the dimension text and the dimension line.
Public property TextPosVert Gets or sets text above dimension line if nonzero.
Public property TextStyle Gets or sets a style of the dimension text defined by this CADDimensionStyle.
Name Description
Public method AssignEntity Copies an entity
Public method Dispose
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method InitDimProperties Initializes dimension style using default values from the specified header.
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).