The following tables list the members exposed by the CADStyle type.

Name Description
Public property Backward Gets a value indicating whether a text is backward (mirrored in X) or not.
Public property BigFont Gets or sets a path to a file containing big fonts.
Public property EntName Gets a name of this CADPenTableItem. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property FixedHeight Gets or sets a fixed text height.
Public property Flags Gets or sets a drawing flags. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property FontName Gets or sets a font name.
Public property LastHeightUsed Gets or sets an initial height of the last added text defined by this CADStyle.
Public property Name Gets or sets a name of the CADPenTableItem. (inherited from CADPenTableItem).
Public property ObliqueAngle Gets or sets a tilt angle for letters defined by this CADStyle.
Public property PrimaryFont Gets or sets a name of the file containing fonts for texts in a CAD image.
Public property TextGenFlags Gets or sets a byte that contains text generation flags.
Public property UpsideDown Defines whether text is upside down (mirrored in Y) or not.
Public property WidthFactor Gets or sets a width factor (width scale) defined by this CADStyle.