Provides methods for loading a file and producing a set of CAD entities contained in the loaded file.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CADConverter type.

Name Description
Public constructor CADConverter Initializes a new instance of the CADConverter class.
Name Description
Public property ActiveVPort Gets or sets active CADVPort object
Public property AllArcsAsCurves Gets or sets a value indicating how arcs are drawn.
Public property Angle Gets or sets a current rotation angle of the active VPort.
Public property AutoInsert Gets or sets a value indicating a way of processing CAD blocks.
Public property Block Gets a block to be drawn at spesified layout.
Public property Blocks Gets a collection of blocks contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property CodePage Gets or sets a number that identifies the encoding used in the loaded CAD file.
Public property DWGPROPS A set of properties for an AutoCAD drawing
Public property DefaultLayoutIndex Gets or sets an index of layout that will be shown after opening a CAD file.
Public property DimensionStyles Gets a collection of styles used for drawing the dimensions in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Entities Gets a collection of entities contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Extents Gets or sets extents of the loaded CAD file.
Public property HasActiveVPort Gets or sets a value idicating whether a loaded CAD file has an active VPort.
Public property HeadStruct Gets or sets HeadVarStruct object containing settings of CAD file
Public property ImageDefs Gets a collection of raster images contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Is3D Checks whether a loaded CAD image is three-dimensional.
Public property IsCrossoverMatrix Gets or sets a value indicating an orientation of the used coordinate system.
Public property IsHideWipeouts Gets or sets a border visibility of all Wipeout objects in CAD file
Public property IsLoadXrefs Gets or sets a value indicating whether XRefs to be loaded while opening a CAD file.
Public property LScale Gets or sets a scale for all linetypes in the loaded CAD file.
Public property LTypes Gets a collection of linetypes contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Layers Gets a collection of layers contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Layouts Gets a collection of layouts contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property LayoutsCount Gets a quantity of layouts contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Main Gets a main section of the loaded CAD file.
Public property MaxHandle Gets or sets a maximal handle of a primitive
Public property ModelLayout Gets CADLayout object of model
Public property NumberOfPartsInCircle Gets or sets a quantity of segments to be used to draw a circle.
Public property NumberOfPartsInSpline Gets or sets a quantity of segments to be used to draw a spline.
Public property Params Gets or sets parameters to be processed by the Iterate method.
Public property PointDisplayMode Gets or sets a value indicating a mode of displaying the CADPoint entities in the loaded CAD file.
Public property SHXFonts Gets a list of SHX fonts for the loaded CAD file.
Public property SHXSettings Gets SHX fonts settings.
Public property Source Gets or sets a path to the loaded file.
Public property Styles Gets a collection of styles contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property Tables Gets a collection of tables contained in the loaded CAD file.
Public property VPort Gets or sets a viewing direction for the ActiveVPort.
Public property VPorts Gets a list of CADVPort objects contained in CAD file
Public property ViewPortCut Gets a value indicating whether a loaded CAD file appears inside a viewport.
Public property XRefs Gets a collection of external references contained in the loaded CAD file.
Name Description
Public method AddDrawingLayout Creates a CADLayout with the specified name and adds this layout to the specified CAD image.
Public method AddLayout Adds object of the CADLayout class.
Public method AddXRef Creates a CADXRef object with the specified name and adds this external reference to the specified CAD image.
Public method AddXRefEx Creates a CADXRef object with the specified name and adds this external reference to the specified CAD image.
Public method BlockByName Searches blocks section and returns a CADBlock object with the specified name.
Public method CleaningLayouts Deletes all empty instances of the CADLayout class with the exception of the Model_Space layout.
Public method DimensionStyleByName Searches a dimension style with the specified name among the dimension styles from the loaded CAD file.
Public method Dispose
Public method DoExtents Sets extents of the CAD drawing.
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetArrowTypeByName Searches a specified dimension arrow name in array
Public method GetCounts Returns a number of elements in the specified section.
Public method GetDWGCodePage Returns a number of codepage
Public method GetDWGVersion Returns a version of DWG or DXF file
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetLayerNames Adds the names of all layers from the loaded CAD file to the specified list.
Public method GetSection Returns a group of objects corresponding to the specified type of CAD section.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Initialize Initializes a main section of the loaded CAD file.
Public method InitializeSections This method makes necessary initializations for sections. Call it when creating CAD object manually.
Public method Static IntToColor Converts an int value to the Color object.
Public method Iterate Obsolete.
Public method LTypeByName Returns a linetype with the specified name.
Public method LayerByName Returns a layer with the specified name.
Public method LayoutByName Searches layouts section and returns a CADLayout object with the specified name.
Public method LinesByName Returns a description of linetype with the specified name.
Public method Loads Loads the specified entity to the CADConverter.
Public method OnAfterRead Raises a AfterReadEvent.
Public method OnBeforeRead Raises a BeforeReadEvent.
Public method OnCreate Raises an OnCreateEvent.
Public method OnInsert Raises an OnInsertEvent.
Public method OnResolveXRef Raises an OnResolveXRefEvent.
Public method OnViewPort Raises an OnViewPortEvent.
Public method OnXRef Raises an OnXRefEvent.
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method SetHandle Sets a handle for a CADEntity object.
Public method SetSection Sets a CADGroup object to the specified section type.
Public method SortEntities Sorts CAD entities by their handles according to the CADSortEntsTable loaded from the CAD file.
Public method StyleByName Returns a style with the specified name.
Public method StyleByPrimaryFont Returns a style by PrimaryFont name.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public event AfterReadEvent Occurs after reading a DXF file.
Public event BeforeReadEvent Occurs before reading a DXF file.
Public event OnCreateEvent Occurs when an instance of each loaded CAD entity is created.
Public event OnInsertEvent Occurs when an object of the CADInsert class or its descendants inserted into a CAD image.
Public event Static OnResolveXRefEvent Occurs when xref filename not found.
Public event OnViewPortEvent Occurs when loading a CADViewPort object into a CAD image is complete.