Represents a set of font parameters.

The following tables list the members exposed by the FontsParameters type.

Name Description
Public property DefaultSHXTTFFont Gets or sets default TTF font for drawing instead of SHX fonts in SHX disabled mode
Public property SHXDefaultFont Gets or sets an SHX default font.
Public property SHXFonts Gets a list of SHX fonts.
Public property SHXSearchPaths Gets or sets paths for searching SHX fonts.
Public property SearchSHXPaths Gets or sets a value specifying whether SHX paths will be searched for the fonts.
Public property UseMultyTTFFonts Gets or sets a value indicating whether a multimode is used.
Public property UseSHXFonts Specifies if SHX fonts will be used.
Public property UseTTFFonts Specifies if TTF fonts will be used.
Name Description
Public method Clone Copies a FontsParameters instance.
Public method Dispose Release all resources used by FontsParameters instance.
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetFontFamilyByFontName Chooses by font name the most suitable font from FontFamily
Public method GetFontName Sets a font name for the CADText instance.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method SetParams Sets FontsParameters instance members values.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public field Static defaultTTFFont Represents a default TTF font
Public field Static extendedTTFFont Represents an extended TTF font
Public field Static sDefaultSHXBigfont Represents a default SHX big font.
Public field Static sDefaultSHXFont Represents a default SHX font.