The following tables list the members exposed by the CADGraphics2D<T> type.

Name Description
Public method Add_T (Overloaded) Performs addition of two points. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method AfterRotate (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method ApplyScale Calculates a matrix for drawing based on current scale. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method BeforeRotate (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method ClearMarkers Clears a collection of markers. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method ConvertTo_T Converts a DPoint object. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method Dispose For inheritance. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DoFinish Finishes drawing an entity. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method Draw (Overloaded) Draws a CADImage. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawEntities Invokes drawing method for specified entities if they are visible (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawEntity Draws a specified CAD entity in the current CAD image. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawImage (Overloaded) Draws a raster image or a metafile object. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawLine (Overloaded) Draws a polyline by two specified points. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawPixel (Overloaded) Draws a single pixel (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawPolyPolyLine (Overloaded) Draws a set of lines or a set of polygons (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawPolyline (Overloaded) Draws a polyline (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method DrawString (Overloaded) Draws a text string. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method ExportToMetafile (Overloaded) Exports a CAD drawing to Windows Enhanced metafile. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method FillPolyPolyLine (Overloaded) Draws a filled polygons. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method FillPolyline (Overloaded) Draws a filled polyline. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method GetExtents Calculates the current dimensions of the CADImage. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetPoint Transforms a three-dimensional CAD point into a two-dimensional screen point. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method IsEqual_T (Overloaded) Checks if two points are equal. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method Move Add offset to drawing matrix (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method OpenVPort (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method RotDefault Rotates the drawing to the default view. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method RotToView Rotates a CAD image to get a specified view. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method Rotate Rotates objects in the current drawing. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method SaveImageToClipboard (Overloaded) Writes a visible part of the current CAD image to the clipboard as a raster image. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method SaveToFile (Overloaded) Writes a visible part of the current CAD image to the disk as a raster image. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method SaveToStream (Overloaded) Writes a visible part of the current CAD image to the specified stream as a raster image. (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method Scale (Overloaded) need help (inherited from CADPresenter).
Public method Sub_T (Overloaded) Performs subtraction of two points. (inherited from CADPainter<T>).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).