The following tables list the members exposed by the DPoint type.

Name Description
Public method Static Cross (Overloaded) Caclulate the cross (vector) product of two vectors
Public method Static Distance Returns distance between two points.
Public method Equals Determines if this DPoint object and a specified object are equal.
Public method Static Extruded Checks whether the point is extruded
Public method Static GetAngle Returns an angle between specified point and the X-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system that specified by another point.
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
Public method GetObjectData Sets the SerializationInfo with information about the serialized object.
Public method Static Middle Returns a middle point between two points.
Public method Static Minor For internal use.
Public method Normalize Scales the Vector3d to unit length.
Public method Offset (Overloaded) Returns a new point recieved by addition or subtraction of two specified points.
Public method Reverse Returns a new DPoint that is reversive to this one.
Public method ReverseScale Returns a new DPoint that is power of -1 to this one.
Public method Rotate (Overloaded) Rotates the current point in 2D coordinates system (Z coordinate does not changes)
Public method Scale (Overloaded) Scales the current Vector3d by the given amounts.
Public method Swap Swaps two DPoints.
Public method XMat (Overloaded) Returns a new DPoint that is a result of multiplying a this one and a CADMatrix.
Name Description
Operator Static Addition Summarizes two DPoint objects
Operator Static Equality Checks if two DPoints are equal.
Operator Static Inequality Checks if two DPoint objects are not equal.
Operator Static Multiply (Overloaded) Multiplies all three coordinates of the DPoint by a double value.
Operator Static Subtraction Subtracts two DPoint objects