The following tables list the members exposed by the DRect type.

Name Description
Public method Contains (Overloaded) Determines if the rectangular region is entirely contained within this DRect structure.
Public method Equals Determines whether this DRect instance and a specified object are equal.
Public method Expand (Overloaded) Expands the DRect object up to the specified point.
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
Public method Static GetRealBox
Public method Inflate Enlarges this DRect object by specified values.
Public method Intersect (Overloaded) Checks DRect and CADMatrix objects for intersection.
Public method IsBadRect (Overloaded) Checks if this DRect is not valid
Public method Norm Normalizes this DRect object.
Public method Offset Adds an offset at x, y and z axes to this DRect object.
Public method Rotate Rotates the current DRect object in 2D coordinates system (Z coordinate does not changes)
Public method RotateAroundPoint Rotates the current DRect object in 2D coordinates system (Z coordinate does not changes)
Public method TransRectCorners Rotates this DRect object by a specified CADMatrix.
Public method Union Expands a current DRect object to corner points of specified DRect object.
Public method Static UnitRect Returns a new DRect with unit sizes.
Name Description
Operator Static Addition Summarizes two DRect objects
Operator Static Equality (Overloaded) Checks if two DRect objects are equal.
Operator Static Implicit Conversion (DRect to Rectangle) Converts DRect to Rectangle
Operator Static Implicit Conversion (DRect to RectangleF) Converts DRect to RectangleF
Operator Static Implicit Conversion (Rectangle to DRect) Converts Rectangle to DRect
Operator Static Implicit Conversion (RectangleF to DRect) Converts RectangleF to DRect
Operator Static Inequality (Overloaded) Checks if two DRect objects are unequal.