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The command Grid switches on/off a rectangular grid of points situated at a certain distance from each other. The grid is used to draw elements more efficiently. The grid step and view can be set by the user. While creating and editing the objects snap to the mesh points is active. For the Point and Line views, snap is active to the grid nodes. For the Snap line view, snap is  active both to grid nodes and lines. To switch snap off, click the Grid snap button in the status bar. Grid isn't printed.

The grid step is specified in the tab Grid of the window Options. By default the grid step is calculated automatically according to the size of the drawing and is equal to one hundredth of its largest side. The sizes of the image are displayed in the right bottom corner of the program in the format X;Y;Z. The user can manually set the grid step along the axes X and Y in the window Options.

The grid view is set in the Grid section of the Options window. There are 3 grid views: Point, Line, Snap line.

To get a quick access to the needed tab of the dialog box Options right click on the grid icon in the status bar and select Options. There will appear the dialog box Options with the corresponding tab opened.



Options. Grid


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